Product Designer

Seolhee Cho
Product Designer

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Clearlab is a innovative contact lens company, striving to develop better technology and materials for the eye. I was reached out to repurpose the website's user experience and its visual elements to be more appealing to the target audience.


Redundant contents
Complicated user flow
Too corporate
Weak visual identity

Age in 10-30(End user)
Eye care professionals

Intuitive UI
Refining visual identity
Organizing information

There are two target audiences to cover, females in the age range of 10-30, and the eye care professionals. Users statistically wanted to either explore the most recent and featured products, or figure out which product is the most suitable for their specific eye conditions. I shortened the user journey into maximum four steps from the home page.


Contact lens is both a medical device and a beauty product, finding that sweet spot for the visual identity was the next challenge. 

For the visual refresh, I added a teal color to the Clearlab's existing blue, so it feels less corporate yet to preserve its professional vibe. I also proposed a new photography style which conveys people's various lifestyle that covers the target age range. I chose models in the photography who look like ordinary people so audience feels empathy. It met the goal and the client's expectation when the gradient and the photography were combined.

The typography style is also updated into a polished san serif(Noto Sans) which looks less clunky when the page is text heavy. It also feels young and modern compared to its old typeface the company was using.


︎ Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space ︎ Russell Brand, Interstellar